Full Color Black & White
It was about 1AM and too dark to keep the camera still enough, so I used a tripod and the shutter timer because pushing the shutter button can move the camera too much.
I have discussions sometimes as to the purity of photos. I prefer that you get your shots by waiting for that precise moment when you are at the precise angle when the lighting is precise but that doesn't happen to often.
I was sent this photo of these three sisters and asked to resize it.
It is crooked.
I always try to look for horizontal and vertical lines when I am taking a photo and I try to make certain my camera is plumb to those straight lines. Sometimes, in the moment, I forget.
But also there is a void, a space, between two sisters that doesn't need to be there.
So, I rewrote the photo a little so that it would tell a better story.
So shoot me. It is against my pure photo taking beliefs but it is just a little lie of inches.