Friday the thirteenth.
Keno is a sucker bet. I played Keno at lunch with two of my poker buddies, I wasn't playing the numbers I won with on Monday because what are the odds of hitting twice in the same week with the same numbers, so I was playing new numbers for 10 games ($10). The guys asked, about my numbers, I told them such and they said I was crazy not to play the same numbers. So I played the same winning numbers for five games ($5).
Games 1-10 of new numbers won $6.00
Game 1 of old numbers nothing
Game 2 nothing
Game 3 four out of four ($100)
Game 4 nothing
Game 5 nothing
I played the same winning ticket for another five and hit for $2.
So the lunch tab was on me, lunch tab $52 plus tip $65, tip to Liz for playing winning numbers $15. Money on Keno $20
New rule instituted by poker buddy number one, you have to hit for more than $100 to pick up the lunch tab.
Good rule.
The winning numbers both times were 13-47-54-74.
Also, on Friday, ladies who received flowers from me totaled three. I asked questions to make sure it was safe, they all know my affections are unique to just one.
Saturday, the dryer part came Friday but I waited until Saturday to put it in after I got a hair cut, dropped by the bakery for some baked goods, and made coffee. The part goes in, the dryer goes back together and a test run ensues. Motor runs fine, no's a gas dryer, there might be air in the line, so waiting begins, ...waiting stops ...not that much air. Shheeeeeit! Dryer comes back apart, jump safety mechanisims so dryer runs while apart, still no heat. Foolishly touch ignitor with bare finger, get electrical shock but its not hot, this is not good. So the problem is not just the ignitor unless I got a bad ignitor. The bad thing about ignitors is they are nonreturnable once juice runs through them. So this one's mine whether it was bad at the start or not.
I have witnessed bad ignitors before.
So now, there is a decision to make. The washer is a Whirlpool Duet worth about $950 purchased after the old washer passed on. I want the matching dryer but I really don't want to cough up $857 for it. But if I do I can stack the full size dryer on top of the full size washer, and that my friends would be supreme.
I opted for the new dryer, I drive to the Lowes in Weymouth and say "I would like that dryer there, in gas"
"We don't have gas in stock, only electric" I was told.
"What about Woburn, can you check to see if they have gas?" I asked
"We don't stock gas, but I'll check...No gas in Woburn" I was told further.
"How long to order the gas dryer?" I inquired
"Eight to ten days" was the answer
I was already a full week without a dryer, but I thought I had no choice.
"Would you order me the gas dryer?" I resigned.
So the process of paperwork starts to perpetuate.
I would really like a dryer today...
After thought I said, "you know what, give me the electric dyer."
The only thing that runs on gas in that part of the house is the clothes dryer, if I have an electric dryer I can cut that gas line in the basement and remove it, and stacking the electric dryer is a lot easier. A heavy duty electric cord is better to handle than a solid inflexible gas pipe.
The catch, new electric would have to be run from the basement to the second floor. And not some run of the mill standard new outlet 120v type cable. This cable would have to be 240v heavy bigass run a dryer cable.
How long would that cable be, I asked myself to which I replied I don't know.
I guessed that 120' would do it and had about 20' left over. I can live with that.
So the new electric dryer, drys clothes in 34 minutes, the old gas dryer took close to an hour.
Sunday, watch the Daytona 500 from start to finish. Martin Martin blows an engine 8 laps into the race, he's out of it before it really started. Martin's ride ...the Viagra car. Not good for advertising, but I like Martin, he was more worried that he might wreck someone else than he was about having his engine break.
I also got my clothes ready for my plans later in the day, at eight, at Hamersly's Bistro. I produced a sports jacket that I thought would fit the bill, buttoned it up, one loose top button, one missing bottom button, check pocket for button, button in first pocket checked, need black thread, had found needles looking for something else two days ago, black thread found, proudly sew on button, button up jacket this time bottom button first, bottom button works great, relish sewing skills as I hear the top button hit the floor, I think shit. I was going to tighten that button anyway but I would have preferred it had stayed where it was. Sew on top button, try on jacket, button buttons, tug on buttons, buttons stay put. Assess jacket with slacks, shirt and tie, assessment good but too much formality, loose the jacket, assess the outfit sans jacket, assessment better.
Lady G is my accompaniment for dinner, both get Pinot Gris, both get the roasted chicken, roasted chicken because that didn't have any unknown partners that would show up on the plate. Pork, veal & seafood were also choices for other diners. Ordered two different dessert wines and one upside down apple cake with ginger ice cream. Taste both dessert wines, both sweet, Lady G has the better tasting of the two to start, it was passed to me for tasting, I say this one's tastier, she agrees, tastier wine is returned to Lady G.
While dining Lady G says something to table next while he is waiting for his her to return from the private room at the end. Lady G says we were here at restaurant week.
Restaurant week is when most of the fine restaurants in Boston Proper offer special menu items at reduced prices to get more people to try fine dining.
Neighboring table responds, "I don't know what restaurant week is. I come here all the time", his her returns and they both leave.
I was asked did you see his ears? I glanced over to observe ears that looked like they belonged on a characture of Prince Charles.
We were present for restaurant week in the past, however we ordered from the regular menu so the full price was paid.
So, maybe I don't care to know what half the stuff on the menu is but at least my ears don't stick out of my pompous head passed a set of narrow shoulders. I made mentioned that we got a cold shoulder after restaurant week was mentioned, she said so what? we'll never see him again.
The message we don't have time for self-important jack-asses.
Anyway, she notices that the gay waiter eyed her neckline so after he leaves she asked my opinion of her cleavage. So, I still get to be a gentleman but I get to determine if there is too much of a good thing showing. So, I look and honestly say, I do not think that's too much (but there was a bit). Then I add, but he had a better view to which she informed me to fornicate with myself.
"That's a nice tie. Did you buy it?
"Yup, Bill Blass"
"What about the shirt?
"John Ashton"
a little eye roll "Did you pick it out?" said with attitude.
"Yup, but I think you bought the pants. The shoes are new. ...My choice"
"I like the shoes, they're not your usual"
"Yeah, but I like them. I do alright sometimes"
"It's good to step out and try new things"
that was said before we played it safe with the chicken.
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