Conscience is the root of all true courage; if a man would be brave let him obey his conscience.
- James Freeman Clarke
I was complaining once (okay it's happened more than once), to Lady G that I was given short notice to do some feat of charity and what I got from her was silence, a so-what sort of silence, so I added that, this feat is hard for mere mortals to do, she told me if you don't like it, then say "no, you will not do it". "You never say no, so it's your own fault".
I was looking for a little support, a little commiseration, and I got a kick in the ass. Once I dusted the footprint off of my posterior, I realized she was right, if I'm willing to do something, I should just shut up and do it. Allegedly, I do things to help people, to make the world a better place, so what's the problem. Unless my true motivation is something different.
pos·te·ri·or n.
The buttocks.
I just get a kick out of this definition, it's like 'nuf said. I'm easily amused.
Wonka's Everlasting Gobstopper jaw breakers are good, I like 'em, but it you really want to risk chipping a tooth you gotta go with the Atomic Fireballs.
Careful: small objects, like hard candy, may inadvertently become lodged in the throat. Hard candy is not appropriate for small children.
So they are made for adults. Right?
So, I start just chewing the damn things, the Gobstoppers, which is stupid, this I know, but after the fifth in rapid succession, I worry that it may be changing the color of the inside of my mouth. ...I just checked it a safe color, maybe a little redder.
Also, the Gobstopper box is soundless to humans when blown through. Yes, I actually tried.
Did I mention I'm in goofball mode?
Who was the first to throw shit into a fan?
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