I walked in, she was at right end of the bar, the only seat taken was towards the opposite end, she was engage in a conversation.
I purposefully caught her eye and smiled, the genuine smile, the smile I can't fake, I was actually glad she was there, although a little surprised. I take my lunch kind of late so when I return to work I only have an hour to go, she usually takes her lunch earlier. Normally, I arrive as she's leaving.
I was talking with Tony, a retired guy, a regular. I ordered the chicken quesadillas. Tony was to my right so when I was talking to Tony, she could see me if she leaned forward just a bit. She leaned forward just a bit, I could only she her left eye but I knew she was looking at me trying to get a read. I gave smile and a hint of a wink. I made a plan to catch her elbow before she left. I needed to talk to her. We both went back to our conversations and later as she was leaving she stopped by my stool which saved me the trouble of approaching her.
Her lip had a small noticeable abrasion.
"Your lip looks pretty okay. I was worried"
"Yeah, there is a little damage under the lip but it's okay." She paused a little before she said "I think you were right, the other night. I'm sorry"
"There's nothing to be sorry for"
Then we assured each other that things between us were alright between us.
"I'm glad. …I was surprised at my will power" I offered.
"Yeah, I am too"
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
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2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
5 weeks ago
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