We're having trouble with the projector." They were in the small conference room.
"Like what?" I asked as I pulled over my truck because I don't like having involved cell phone conversations while driving.
"Well, one thing is that the picture is too small."
I was a bit flabbergasted so there was a pause before I suggested that they move the projector back from the wall.
"Okay, I'm moving it back and the picture is getting larger."
No shit.
I try to be not so controlling. I try to let others do things. I try to take a step back.
I try.
I haven't really been hands on with the network at the second office. The office manager contacted someone else to set-up the five new machines and I let her. I can network but I'm hardly an expert. The network consists of fourteen computers and their occasional printers and one stand alone color laser printer.
I have my computer, in my office, password protected and off limits to everyone else. It's the only computer that I have been really caring about. Things have changed since one important hard drive fried. I had to become more hands on with things.
"So they did it wrong."
"Well, I don't know about wrong but it's not the way I would have done it but then I'm old school."
Folks have been asking if I have been going crazy. I can understand their question because I have had to install a new hard drive, fix some problems with the network that had became evident, deal with people who were putting on a presentation who both planned it poorly and where just plan ignorant to certain things, and show someone how to produce a brochure all while still working my day job, all while still doing what I normally do at my second job, all since Sunday.
No, I haven't been going crazy. Stuff happens and you deal with it. Going crazy just gets in the way of getting things done.
I have no empathy of the human race as a whole, only when I see them as individuals.
The faceless masses, I don't care for but sometimes a face stands out from the crowd and touches my soul.
It was just my buddy, Jen and myself, just like the old days when my buddy and me would come in during the slow times. Jen mentioned I slipped out last Friday without saying goodbye. Last Friday I had to meet a friend somewhere and then do a favor; I did leave early and I didn't say goodbye. I told her why.
"Who? Lady G? Is that her name?"
"Yep and Lady G is her name."
Later we were talking about the times when we probably had too many.
"Out of everyone, you have the most tolerance" Jen said as she turned to look at me. I know they drinkers they get in that place; her statement worried me a bit.
"Just out of our crew." I said nervously making a circular motion that included my friend and me which also means the five other folks that join us at times. "Not out of everybody" I added spreading my arms to include the whole establishment.
"Oh. No. Not out of everyone, just you guys" she thought for a moment and then said with a laugh "Especially not Lauren"
It was a small comfort.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
4 weeks ago
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