A weekend free from the second job. A week away from the day job.
Fragmented sentences, similar to my fragmented life.
"What do you like? I don't know what you like."
That's makes two of us. People lately have been trying to get into my brain. I don't mean to be secretive; it's just that there isn't too much there.
Her sister was having a bad day and her sister collects frogs so, I bought her sister a little glass frog and I thought it would be rude not to give her something so I bought her a little purple horse. The total cost for the both of them was smaller than the usual tip I leave so the gesture wasn't anything too grand.
I usually give things that will not be saved. I figure people do not need to clutter their homes. Usually, my gifts can be eaten or they wilt or they are some cheap little trinket that just proves that I was listening that time when you said your favorite color was blue.
"I don't know. I'm not even certain I can tell you what I don't like right now."
"But I want to get you something," she said examining her little equine figurine.
She then mentioned that I had gotten her something before which I had forgotten.
She'll sing songs to the tune that plays over barroom sound system, inserting my name whenever she can and even when she can't.
She says I should wear more blue.
I think I'm blue enough.
They tend to talk rather freely when I'm around so when one of them casually mentioned that her backache was because she was PMS'ing, one of them looked my way. I was watching the sport highlights or so I pretended.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
4 weeks ago
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