So, I hated my decision which was to go home, plant a tree, go to the second job and then rush home before it was too late to cook that pork that is sitting in the frig.
So, I got home.
So, I got the shovel from the area in the basement where I keep some of the gardening stuff.
So, I planted the tree. It took about thirty eight minutes, the whole project, from turning my key in the lock on my door to leaving the shovel in my dining room that's under renovation. I thought thirty eight minutes was good.
So, then I grabbed my truck key and went to the second job. The plan for there was to upload a little text file to the root directory of the web page so that some company could be assured that we own the web site.
So, things then started to run not smoothly. The email I had didn't have an attachment like it claimed to have. So, I walked downstairs to the owner's office to see the original email which also had no attachment.
So, I posted something and told the owner blah, blah, blah when I got another email asking about custom calendar magnets.
I'm on a schedule here people!
The web site for custom calendar magnets was all rather vague and didn't contain the info I needed so I had to send off an email.
So, it was quarter past seven when I closed my computer down which was too late for cooking pork.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
4 weeks ago