"Turnout at polls lowest in decades"
I exited the subway station and turned right, just as always, and started to plan out the rest of my day. Going to vote was at the top of the list. My voting place is a block away from the station, but it was a block to the left. I thought about walking home and then stopping as I was going to be driving past on my way to the second job but that hit me as ridiculous.
I crossed the street and heading in the opposite direction, there were only a few people to hound me as I made my way into the polling place; I knew two of them by name. I filled three ellipses with my black marker with the fine tip and then walked it over to the cop reading a paperback.
After I told him my address and name, he checked me off and added another hash mark to the bottom of that page which doubled the amount of hash marks.
People get the government they deserve.
No Mames
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5 weeks ago
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