"Hahaha timmy!!! You are the best! I'm sure you can find someone to eat your 15 undelicious cupcakes..."
Via facebook I told her what had happened and that is how she replied. I'm sure she was laughing with me.
I loved the way she used the word undelicious.
I was eating lunch when I got the call that most employees were being let go two hours early. I looked at my phone for the time and it was 2:05PM. My work day ends at 4:00PM.
I said "Sweet."
I was with friends at the bar I frequent. The location was someone else's suggestion and I certainly wasn't going to argue the point.
I moved to the bar, after my friends had left.
At 4:45PM she walked in and asked where her cupcakes were, I told her that I was working on them and after about an hour I wished them all a Happy Thanksgiving and left.
Five hours later I was shaking hands with the staff at the front door and I put my money away when I was told not to pay the cover. I'll be surprised the day they do charge me the cover but I always let them know that I don't take my rockstar status for granted.
The upstairs dance floor was about half full and there was just one guy at the bar. When she saw me, she smiled.
I said, "These ones are delicious," as I slid eight red velvet cupcakes across the bar and for the next couple moments the guy at the bar disappeared even though he was still talking. She came out from behind the bar, gave me a hug and then told me that I was her favorite person in the world.
When she got back behind the bar, the guy said, "Yeah, I make those all the time. It's pretty easy once you've done it once."
I smiled at his effort to dismiss my gesture before I agreed with him that most baking is easy. I smiled again when she asked me what makes them red while she still ignored the guy next to me.
redvelvet01After I left, I wondered what that dude was going to do to try to make her forget that she had just labeled me "Favorite Person in the World."
redvelvet02These cupcakes are the non-perfect but still delicious ones that stayed at home. The other eight were left at a different friend's house.
But that's a different story.