Dictated dictated from the future while using the bathroom
The year is almost 2025. I remember way back in the day when we all used
Evite to invite friends to parties and maybe when Friendster was still
3 weeks ago
I really love the duck pic, the bridge, dude in boots and fairy wings (strut it!!), dog in pink skirt!!
Also love the pony girl, confetti on the ground, and the bubbles.
All of these are really fantastic! I seriously hate I missed it.
I haven't watched the videos yet, but I'm in the process.
All the little ducks had 'shirts' (they are more like capes) someone stole one of the shirts.
My camera was giving me a hard time and I was having trouble timing shots, I think it was the weird lighting.
The photo that I like best is the Asian dude checking out his camera while his friend is looking at the ground while there is a whole Gay Parade going by.
My next favorite are the confetti ones.
There was another cart the was being pulled by two ponyboys in single file (they were probably close to 50 yrs old so maybe they were ponymen).
Two hours after the parade I saw them carting down Beacon Street right by the State House in a travel lane. I wondered where there stable was and if they needed a license plate.
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