Thursday, September 09, 2004

When I'm not reading blogs, I'm giving someone grief

"Can I borrow the supply catalog?" I asked

"Yes, you can." She replied

"Can I just grab it?"


"And move your Splenda container?" I asked to be a bother to her

"My what?"

"Your container with your Splenda. Oh, there's Equal in there too. Which do you like better?"

"What?" she asked

"Which do you like better Splenda or Equal?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because I care about you"


"Why do I care? Because I'm a caring fellow."

"Splenda. I like Splenda better but why do you need to know?"

"What if I find a coupon for Splenda?"

"I don't buy Splenda."

"What if it were a free box?"

"You always come up with something, don't you?"

Yeah, I usually do.

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