So, I hear that Sony digital cameras are sometimes having problems and I worry that my camera is one of the models identified. So, I go to the Sony website and look for cameras trying to find out the models numbers that are having problems but I can't find my model number anywhere.
Most likely because I have a Canon.
Why is my quote of the day something from Kevin Costner?
My fortune for today is:
You constantly struggle for self improvement.
First - that ain't a fortune*.
Second - I don't struggle for it I struggle with it.
*I wanted to type "that ain't no fortune," which is something I would have no trouble saying to someone in person but I just can't bring myself to type it.
She didn't call me old, she just merely stated that those other guys were young but to my surprise it bothered me.
(those three dots get counted as a word)
I sometimes wonder how far from normal I am even though I live my life like I'm normal is everyone else is off the mark.
"Spot on" is a phrase I like to use.
It's not so much that I can't stand the place it's that I have no reason to keep me at my desk.
Freedom beckons and I oblige
Have you ever read the definition for oblige?
It runs quite the gambit, or so I think - to bind morally or to be kindly accommodating.
Like the difference between a hammer to the head and a welcomed kiss.
It's not so much that I can't stand the place, it's just that I can't stand the place.
I sit by the conference room so I get a lot of people milling about and sometimes they will start to talk to each other and sometimes they will stand in my way and sometimes I may get a little rude.
The place was busy, too busy for anything of an average day. We started to guess at the event.
"Maybe they're swearing in new citizens."
"No, the crowd is too bourgeois."
new lawyers taking the oath
"Maybe you hit the speech recognition button by mistake."
"No. I don't think I did."
Well, I think you did especially because it wants you to set up the speech recognition feature.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
4 weeks ago
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