shycAcross the street from my house is a park. The park contains a hill that is higher than my house.
gastankThe hill contains a view. The view contains a rather large natural gas tank.
two 2The oldest niece asked if I would take them across the street to the park. I grabbed my camera and said, "Let's go."
three 3They relatively stayed together.
twoThere was some worry when the youngest niece got tangled up in the branch of a thorn bush. I carried her for a bit and until she forgot that she got hurt.
em01I forget what her problem was but whenever we would get to a place, she would say, "There's nothing here, let's go." I asked why we couldn't just hang out.
three 2Hanging out.
sam11This photo is pretty much a lie. She was violently attacking a weed to get its fluffy seeds airborne.
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