I think a lot of things in life can be overcome simply by hanging on and outlasting whatever it is. I do believe that more often or not that this too shall pass. But there are those things which you have to more than just wait it out; there are those things I which you have to fight against, there are those things that you must conquer.
That’s where I am.
I can no longer just breeze by waiting until my dilemma is something that can be seen in the rearview mirror.
So, that’s where some of my energy and effort has been. It’s been there and not here.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
5 weeks ago
Dear friends!
Is it a deal to change iTunes to mp3? I say NOPE :) Its really puzzling not being able to play iTunes tracks with my $300 iriver!
Digging for a solution brings certain results. To [url=http://drm-removal.com/features/iTunestoMP3/convert_iTunes_to_MP3.htm]convert iTunes to MP3[/url] I used this tool drm removal (drm-removal.com or something like this, please ask me - will find that web again). I don't care what is drm - what I read, its something dealing with protection and nothing about iTunes.
But this tool really works for me and it converted quickly my iTuines entire library, including video files!.
How do you convert it? Why iTunes makes this foolishness? I didn't like ipods at all! They simple stuck and suck!
What is that drm that I loose converting my itunes to mp3?
thanks in advance!
Just to share an expirience:
I found a way to grab youTube videos. Some of are webs where you put a link from YouTube and it gives you file with strange extension and small size. Some are really complicated.
My way was to use moviesherlock (moviesherlock.com or sm like this - please ask me - will rememeber). Really simple utility, that just works, and only 1 button in software.
[url=http://download.cnet.com/3001-2140_4-75065920.html?spi=68a87b0bad1ea20e12285c5005469cde]I downloaded it from here: http://download.cnet.com/3001-2140_4-75065920.html?spi=68a87b0bad1ea20e12285c5005469cde[/url].
I downloaded even HD movies!
But it looks too easy, has no player, but just works. It downloaded ~12 concurrent movies for me and actually slows down my system. Its possible to do search in [url=http://moviesherlock.com]moviesherlock[/url] and search results differs from what you see in YouTube. Thats strange.
Who knows - youtube results are different for same text? I likes cat (Simons cat / dog).
Why doesn't youtube allows to download its movies without external tools?!! It actually sucks!
Thanks in advance!
Just to share an expirience:
I digg a solution to download youTube movies. Some of are web sites where you put the link from YouTube and it gives you file with strange extension and small size. Some are really complicated.
My way was to use moviesherlock (moviesherlock.com or sm like this - please ask me - will rememeber). Really simple utility, that just works, and only 1 button in software.
[url=http://download.cnet.com/3001-2140_4-75065920.html?spi=68a87b0bad1ea20e12285c5005469cde]I downloaded it from here: http://download.cnet.com/3001-2140_4-75065920.html?spi=68a87b0bad1ea20e12285c5005469cde[/url].
I downloaded even HD movies!
But it looks too easy, has no player, but just works. It downloaded ~12 concurrent movies for me and actually slows down my system. Its possible to do search in [url=http://moviesherlock.com]moviesherlock[/url] and search results differs from what you see in YouTube. Thats strange.
Who knows - youTube results are different for same keyword? I loves cat (Simons cat / dog).
Why doesn't youtube allows to download its movies without external tools?!! It actually sucks!
Thanks in advance!
Sharing my own story, hope it helps somebody.
I'm an iTunes user and I have gigabites of m4p files on my hard drive. Of course I listened to them on iPod. But last month my iPod was broken (sh*t!) and I've got a new zune player on St Valentine's day! Obviously I was unable to copy my M4P collection to it because these file had iTunes DRM protection. Luckily I found [url=http://mp4-converter.info]M4P converter[/url] and converted all my iTunes library just in few clicks!So I would recommend this [url=www.mp4-converter.info]M4P converter[/url] if you have any problems with protected files - it will convert them to unprotected MP3 or any other format so you can use them without iTunes application.
The url is mp4-converter.info or something like this. Tell me if you need exact will go thru my mail
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