Monday, December 23, 2013

The Math Doesn't Work

"Sometimes I love you more but I never love you less."

Full Color Black & White even though "Little Lie of Inches" is a better title

Full Color Black & White

It was about 1AM and too dark to keep the camera still enough, so I used a tripod and the shutter timer because pushing the shutter button can move the camera too much.

I have discussions sometimes as to the purity of photos. I prefer that you get your shots by waiting for that precise moment when you are at the precise angle when the lighting is precise but that doesn't happen to often.

I was sent this photo of these three sisters and asked to resize it.

It is crooked.

I always try to look for horizontal and vertical lines when I am taking a photo and I try to make certain my camera is plumb to those straight lines. Sometimes, in the moment, I forget.

But also there is a void, a space, between two sisters that doesn't need to be there.

So, I rewrote the photo a little so that it would tell a better story.

So shoot me. It is against my pure photo taking beliefs but it is just a little lie of inches.

yeah, I forgot.

"Esqueço de quem me esqueceu."

That is Portuguese from

Google translates it to be "I forget who forgot me."
It is interesting reading google translated pages; sometimes it is like poetry; sometimes the translation adds more weight to the original. Or something like that, I forget.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The strongest nine year old I know

I keep this in my second office.

It surprises me that it remains unopened.

Kind of a Big Deal


To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.


-Thich Nhat Hanh

When I first read that quote I did really read who it was attributed to, but I did read who it was the second time I read it and he was in Boston not too long ago. He is kind of a big deal.

Monday, December 09, 2013


She called me a hoarder and it is true I keep a lot of unnecessary stuff around but I think my problem is more about a lack of focus but she did get me to think about.

My thoughts took me to my books. I don't have thousands of books but I definitely  have hundreds of them and most of them are sitting in high stacks on top of my marble mantle.

I asked myself why I didn't put them away. My answer was because then I would never read them.

I didn't ask why I haven't packed up I ones I have read. But it did remind me that hoarders don't put things away because they want to see their stuff because they don't want it to go missing.

And then I asked myself, what of mine has gone missing. I answered rather quickly. It was my cars.

When I was little my uncle would usually give me a Matchbox car whenever he would visit. By the time I was seven I had a pretty good collection and then one day I could not find them, so I asked my mom.

She said that she had given them away because I never played with them anymore.

I said, "But they are mine."

She sad, "Well, we can't get them back."

I don't know how accurate that story is because it is remembered from a seven year old's mind but it is true in my heart.

I should ask her about it because I did grow up poor and maybe my parents sold them which still would be wrong but at least a little less callus.

Monday, December 02, 2013

"I know how I would that"

I sometimes think: "I know how I would post that" so sometimes things are posted just because I think it would make a "good" post and not so much because it is a reflection of my life.