So, the thing of it is is that it's an escape.
The more that the things that I try to put off...
Do you ever think you hear voices coming from your computer speakers when there shouldn't be making any noise? I wish I could hear what those voices are saying. Or so I think.
Things in my life request my attention. Usually, I'll put off those requests until no longer can they be put off.
First job, second job, Lady G, my house, personal development, are all to a point where things can't be put off.
Make or break.
Sometimes I just want to break, or so I think.
Things are cutting into my bar time. Things are cutting into my blogging time.
There are times that I wish I were a hermit, or so I think.
It's not the booze, it's the bar. Now that most of my favorites are gone, I'm not there much. Back to the day life I guess.
Mostly, I'm a squanderer.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
5 weeks ago
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