I opened up Word to start bitching about things, mostly my jobs, but lately I think that’s been over done on this site.
Usually, I can go with the flow and get where I want to be and getting there smelling like roses but lately, the flow just isn’t going my way.
I wonder if I had just chosen in the past to decide that where I ended up was where I wanted to be; I never really had to use much of my rowing skills before.
Sometimes, when people watch me do things, they will say “You should do that for a living,” and I think “You should shut the fuck up.”
I’m much more profane inside the confines of my skull.
Doing things for fun or because a friend is in need or just because a thing needs to be done is a different situation than having to do it all day long. It’s different than having to hustle jobs and deal with clients. I’ve been there or at least in the neighborhood; there is a reason why I am where I am.
I was watching that Flash movie and there are something that I could change to make it more to my liking but on the whole, it’s a pretty good product.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
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2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
5 weeks ago
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