We lost the listing but it’s in dispute so some of our marketing is still in place: like the billboards and the website.
I authored the website. I designed the layout, picked the colors, created the feel, made the Flash movies and even took most of the photos.
I was standing at her seated side as she was checking the Sitemeter account. She then went to the site and started one of the Flash movies; the one that touts the neighborhood. She asked if I could move it over to the main page. I said that the development name would have to be removed from the end, so we started to wait until the information flashed on the screen. Towards the end a photo of some sea gulls I had taken awhile ago flashed on the screen. She said that it was one of her favorite photos and then the development’s name came up. It was brief. I knew I could delete it without reworking the movie but I didn’t want her to know that it would be easy.
She then went back to checking the number of hits. The development’s page is getting more daily hits than the company’s main page, even though it’s not actively being advertised. I think she paid twenty grand for her main page. I charged her a flat rate, which she still hasn’t paid.
I hope to get those stairs painted after work today. I also have a pork tenderloin to worry about.
I primed the stairs and the pork is okay in the frig until the 31th
No Mames
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5 weeks ago
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