Thursday, December 13, 2007

So, back again

A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
- Walter Bagehot

Ever read those quotes and wonder if that person ever really said that?


Everyday is a new beginning, so is every afternoon and every evening.

I used to carry stamps around in my wallet. I used to use one stamp once a month to mail in my car insurance. So I, myself, had no real pressing stamp needing issues but I took to carrying stamps because people seemed to always ask if I had one. I would feel bad when I had to say "No" so I started carrying stamps.

After the cost of postage went up, I took it as an opportunity to stop carrying stamps. I figured it's not my responsibility to be a convenient seller of stamps to all comers. I figured people can get their own stamps.

I'm trying to worry more about me. I sometimes worry that I'm an enabler.

People don't need to worry about certain things because I'm worrying about them for them. I need to let folks worry about their own worries.


I threw away his hastily construed note. Later, he came by my cube and I half hoped that he could see his note in my trash bin. He was there to let me know that he had answered his own question. I knew he could.

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