Thursday, January 07, 2010

I think a lot of questions

"Your wife could take up fucking your garbage man while solving abstract algebraic equations with her labia"

Is the labia solving the equations with some sort of thinking powers or is it more like merely holding a pencil somehow while she gyrates her hips to write out the answer, or maybe it queefs out the answer in some poorly pronounced language or is the labia like some sort of calculating tool like an abacus? I don't know how that last one would work probably because of my inexperience algebraic equations, calculating tools, abacuses and labias.

And before my knowledge of labias and queefing gets dismissed altogether, when someone snaps their fingers, the upper part of the thumb has nothing to do with making any part of the sound which is what you might think because you're rubbing your thumb against your finger but it's your finger slapping against the base of your thumb that makes the noise, and in queefing something is flapping to make the sound and I think the labia can contribute to this sound.


Anonymous said...
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Timothy said...

I'm glad to find out what you were thinking. That's a strong and talented labia.

I sort of knew that queefing really has nothing to do with the labia for the same point you brought up, I just thought it was funny thinking of that area talking about equations and queefing is the best I could come up with but in truth the labia is rather uninvolved with that process. I was just trying to make a case that possibly it could in some fashion at least change the sound of the noise; I sometimes argue points that I don't think are true.

Would the diagrams show just the anatomy of the parts involved or the dynamics of a queef?

Anonymous said...
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Timothy said...

I would be rather interested in seeing any of your stick figure diagrams. I'm a big fan of learning.

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