Sunday, June 03, 2007

I'm great at rearranging deck chairs

She asked and I said I would and I did that because she seemed to be getting some satisfaction out of her gardening and hanging window boxes isn't all that much trouble.

All of the chains needed to be replaced; just one eye hook was missing. Previously, S hooks were used. S hooks are for babies.

I made a loop on either end; there were sixteen loops in all. While I was looping one of the agents came out to talk. She explained some of the deficiencies if the file I had returned to her. I didn't bother to look at her after the greeting. I don't like writing notes explaining to someone who should know better on how to do their job. I let her know she was making more work for me.

I wondered how she liked be corrected from someone installing window boxes, for a moment I hoped it bothered her, at least a little.

I'm an ass sometimes or is it sometimes I'm not an ass? Probably the latter.

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