I had noticed him before but then it’s pretty easy to notice some guy walking around with a priority mail envelope as a hat. At first glance it could be confused with a chef’s hat but the printing gives it away. It was raining the first day I had noticed him so I thought he was being creative in keeping the rain off of his head.
We were having coffee in the middle of the rotunda, he was off in a corner. He was eating a slice of watermelon, only it wasn’t a normal slice it was a whole quarter of the melon and he was feasting on it like a hungry lion on a wildebeest.
It was an odd scene which we would comment on in between our other topics of conversation.
I watched as he started on a second slice just as big as the first.
“Granted he’s not doing anything wrong but someone should be watching him.”
“Yeah, there’s nothing that says you can’t bring in your own food.”
“We didn’t get these coffees here.”
“You’re right. But he is wearing an envelope on his head.”
“When you think about it: he’s minding his own business. He’s just doing some things that are just a little bit odd.”
“Did you see that slice of watermelon?”
“Yeah, it is huge but he’s just eating watermelon.”
“Where do you even get a watermelon this time of year?”
We didn’t have an answer as we watched the local security approach the guy. If they were saying anything we couldn’t hear and the guy certainly didn’t miss a beat eating his watermelon. I briefly thought that race might be involved in the security guards interest. The female guard reached over the partition of the table for his bag. He didn’t seem to care. She looked in to find what I guess was watermelon rind because she just threw the bag away.
I told myself that this is what I wanted, someone checking this guy out as I wondered why they were hassling the guy. But I just wanted someone to watch the guy not to hassle him after all he was just being odd, he wasn’t being misbehaved.
The attention he got I guess was more than he cared for because after he finished his second huge slice of melon, he left.
No Mames
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5 weeks ago
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