Saturday, January 17, 2009


You probably shouldn't waste your time reading anything here entitled: untitled

I’m not going to complain about the cold but I will say that I was surprised to hear my local weather update tell me that it was negative four degree.

My kitchen is at a great temperature for making puff pastry or flaky pie crusts.

Shooting the breeze over coffee, he asked if I had a lot to do today. I replied that there was a lot that I could do.

A lot of Tom Jones is fun to listen to, or so I think.

He joined me for lunch and mentioned that a co-worker and the big boss were at a meeting down at headquarters. He added that the co-worker was probably going something that I also do. He mentioned it because he thought I would be concerned that someone was trying to steal my job.

I replied, “I still get paid right? What do I care? And he probably should be doing it anyway.”

He was disappointed with my reply.

I’m not going to get riled up over a non-issue. My employment is not affected by this, if someone wants to do some of my work for me, then let them at it.

I read the papers. I listen to the news shows. I read and listen to a bunch of dumbfucks, and I worry that most Americans are satisfied with the low quality of bullshit they are being feed.

I worry that most Americans wait to be told what to believe.

I’ll ask, “Does that make any sense to you?” and I’ll often get a sheepish answer to the negative, so I will then ask “Then why do you believe it?”

So, I’ve been actively baking bread now for a few months so I’ve been left to deal with unsliced loaves of bread and I can tell you that slicing bread is not a big deal so I’m rather unimpressed with the phrase that something or anything is “The next best thing to sliced bread.”

Bread actually stays fresher if it is left unsliced. I actually like to choose the thickness of my slice according to what I’m going to use the bread for.

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