So, I get to the second office early, which is always a mistake it seems, and get bombarded with all sorts of things so I just weather the storm, hear everyone out, fix what I can right then and there and then go up to my office.
In my office I have to step over around a liberal dose of sunflower seeds spread across my floor just so I can place my things down on my desk that has a liberal dose of paper clips spread across it.
The owner’s daughter is a little bit imbalanced at times and today she thought empting a couple containers of small things onto the floor and desk would be helpful to me somehow.
But what can you do? There is only so much you can blame her for so I start collecting the paper clips off of my desk when one of my co-workers comes up the stairs with a certain amount of urgency and starts saying “Ten, eleven, twelve” like I know what she’s talking about.
So, I stop my collecting, look in her direction but not actually at her and ask “What?!”
“The pictures for that ad are numbers ten, eleven and twelve”
I return to my collecting because her urgency is unfounded and I want her to know she disturbing me and then say “That doesn’t help ME. I don’t need to know that, *so-n-so* does. She renaming the photos”
“Don’t you need them? They’re 10, 11 & 12”
“Yes I do need them but *so-n-so* is renaming them, you need to tell her. She renames the stuff and I pick it off of the network, that is how it works”
Not for nothing but didn’t you notice all the sunflower seeds all over the carpet?
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
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2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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