Sunday the plan was to install shelving. The plan called for plywood and it looked liked rain so I had to hurry. At Home Depot, the plan changed, the plywood was out.
I returned home with $350 dollars worth of shelving. The original plan estimated the cost at maybe two hundred which was purely a guess. I just started loading up the cart I didn't really care about the price until the cashier asked for payment. I'm sure I did some eyebrow gesture when she said $347.56. Shooting video of myself has brought an excessive use of the eyebrow region to light. Some is on purpose, most is not.
Both plans called for the shelving to be installed the same day of the purchase but that didn't work out but that was okay because on Monday nights I usually have some free time but Monday's free time sort of got occupied with 16oz frosted glasses of draft beer but that was okay because Wednesday nights I usually have some free time.
Wednesday rolled by, I got home from work and thought about the shelving then thought about putting it off until the weekend. That scenario repeated itself up until a point where I was not going to have enough time to install the shelves.
But then for some reason unknown to me, I got off my lazy ass and put up the shelving so now I have five - six foot long shelves hanging from one of my walls.
Once I had the shelves up on the wall and cleanup was the only thing left, I remembered the Grey Goose in the freezer. I probably should have waited until after I was completely finished before doing a shot of Vodka because I almost immediately got a pain in the back top part of my skull but sometimes ya just gotta do a shot.
Anyway, the shelves are up and the tools got back to the basement even though most of them were previously all about the house and I remembered other things I have been working on but haven't been working on.
I also I got my order from Amazon which I placed on March 31, which included among other things the Los Lobos' CD "How will the wolf survive?"
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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