I turned on my iTunes to try to dull the clamor of the office but I could still hear the sports talk and the bitching.
The phone was charging so it took me a moment to remember where it was. The number was blocked but then that was expected for fifteen minutes before midnight. She told me her problem. I told her that I would be right there.
She was at the Kinko's near Copley which turns out to be catty corner from Neiman Marcus. Her Ford Explorer wouldn't start. I got no result after I ground the teeth of the jumper cable clamps into the battery posts; there wasn't enough power to turn the engine over, so we waited.
She was surprised at the time when I wished her a happy birthday.
I think the frequency of my writing has dropped a bit. I attribute that to the busyness of my business.
There are times I just need to do something; I will need to create. Mostly, it falls to writing but lately I've had other things to occupy my time with, mainly that development that is scheduled to be finished in December.
One item for the development was a predominately black brochure and then for the sign at the property black was used again so yesterday when I read in a trade magazine that 'Black is the new black' for the upcoming year I smiled just a bit.
"Just make sure you hook up the black first and then the red and when you take them off take the red off first," I said as I left her the jumper cables.
What concerns me most is that I think her confidence had been shaken. Or more likely her boldness has been compromised.
We both use 'we' inappropriately. Usually, 'we' means me unless I'm talking about how 'we' overextended ourselves - then I'm talking about her.
I'll share the glory and the blame
The architect emailed us some photos. I still like holding photos, seeing them while they are in my hand is preferred to looking at them on the screen so I printed the eight photos out. The owner mentioned that he didn't take a very good photo. "Yeah, I noticed that but I didn't want to say anything." I didn't want to mention it because his renderings aren't very good either.
He's good at floor plans and building layouts.
I keep candy in my overhead.
I guess today is a day of revelation.
Anyway, I reached some down and lost the hold on one; which bounced off my desk and I could tell by the trajectory that it was heading for the carpet. I could have caught it with some violent move but that would have been uncool, so I just let it fall.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago