Tuesday, November 23, 2004

The problem seemed familiar

I recently watched The Buffalo War.

The main point of contention is over free-roaming buffalo, roaming off of public land, public land known as Yellowstone National Park. I have seen these buffalo up close.

Native Americans, ranchers, activists, the State of Montana and the federal government were all involved.

The Native Americans, the activists and the federal government all are against the shooting of the buffalo. Montana and the ranchers feel they need to kill the buffalo to keep their domestic cattle disease free.

So far Montana and the ranchers are having it their way.

It seemed to me that the ranchers were acting out of an unfounded fear and questionable practices. The other side was asking for open-mindedness.

One side seemed wrong and the other side seemed right.

One side seemed to care the other side seemed to care not.

The problem seemed familiar.

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