Sunday, October 30, 2005

even if the police outnumber you

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Don't be afraid of freedom

I signed some petitions to help get things on the ballot but it really wasn't my kind of crowd. They had split their agenda into many issues, I suppose to get a bigger crowd but it just made them look unfocused and ineffective.

I was leaving because my parking meter was about to expire.

"What's going on?" she asked, onced I reached her side of the street.

"Anti-war demonstration"

"But they're wearing riot gear"

With a half laugh I replied "Yeah" as I looked back over my shoulder at all the cops.

The "go figure" was implied.

"You want to stay away from places like that." I don't know if she was talking to me or her small children.

I didn't watch as she walked in a differnet direction.

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