Thursday, September 13, 2007

nine twelve

So, I chanced it and went sans umbrella and sans rain jacket yesterday and was fine until I wanted to go home. I regretted a little not bringing the umbrella but I hate carrying it and I would have regretted not wearing a rain jacket if it were not for the fact that I don't have a rain jacket.

I was just doing some math in my head and thought I haven't had a rain jacket in over twenty years. I had a rain jacket when I use to do some lobstering. And then I thought "Twenty years ago? No way," but then I remembered that twenty years ago, I was twenty years old.

Anyway, I used the extensive subway system to limit my exposure to rain from my place of work to the place where I purchased a waterproof jacket. The jacket had no hood so I bought a ball cap as well.

It was an exciting day.


So, I made my way to the second job where I proceeded to go from okay to angry with one request.

I need to relax

or quit

or both


Sometimes, what I write ends up as fiction.


Lately, I've just been phoning it in.


There's a choking warning on my can of mixed nuts that commands the reader not to give nuts to children under six. I give my nieces nuts frequently, so screw you Mr. Peanut.

Planters Healthy Heart Mix has the blandest tasting pistachios I have ever eaten.

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