I was just online reading stuff and dropped by here to read the last I wrote and I forgot it already.
Anyway, I think that last post was on Friday, but I was thinking it was still Thursday when I posted it because I hadn’t seen a bed yet. But who really cares.
Saturday, I drove around and spent money on stupid stuff. The stuff included things to silk screen t-shirts. I think I dropped over one hundred dollars. I must have been planning some stellar tee’s. I had already spent close to a hundred previously so that brings the total to two hundred.
I turns out my fantastic t-shirt idea was pretty lame. Oh, and yeah, I’ve never silk screened before, oh, wait, yes I have but that was long ago and on brown paper bags.
So, the idea was... let’s say shit-canned. (shit makes it by my spellcheck, I just find that interesting – shit’s o.k. but spellcheck is not).
I don’t tell folks much here because who am I to dole out wisdom but I will say this:
Don’t let your first silk screening project be on a dark colored t-shirt.
So, I end up with all this stuff and nothing to do. So, what do I do, I make t-shirts that proclaim “Official Glow-in-the-Dark Birthday T-shirt” because you see I had some glow-in-the-dark ink. They glow pretty well.
I’m wasting my talents...and money.
I don’t know what my goal is but I’m pretty sure I’m failing at it, and I pretty sure I’m failing on purpose.
I still have a blank silk screen. I would like to do something cool with it. I just have to get a cool idea. Cool idea. Cool ideal.
Materials on hand:
blank silk screen
screen filler
photo emulsion
red textile ink
black textile ink
violet textile ink
green nite-glo ink
yellow nite-glo ink
white nite-glo ink
homemade jig for screening t-shirts
Items needed:
white T-shirts
good idea.
No Mames
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3. Before m...
3 weeks ago