So, I end up talking on the cell phone in the middle of the street. I’ve seen folks do this. I’ve always found it lame. I’ve thought that they need to keep their business to themselves. But, now here I am in the middle of the street with my cellie.
I’m in the street because the building I was in has a metal roof. Metal roofs aren’t all that uncommon in certain parts, but here in these parts, they are not the normal. The thing about metal roofs and cell phones is that the metal likes to fuss about with the signal. I didn’t want this signal fussed about with so I went to the back alley but that metal roof had a longer reach than I thought, so out in the street I went.
Whose call is so important? It’s Lady G. I was just figuring out when to call her next, I thought it was too late for today so I was working something out for tomorrow and she calls me. Sweet.
Earlier today someone called down the thunder. The lightning was thrown in for free.
I’ve been shortlisted.
The commissioner has resigned effective 06-30-04.
I’m getting conflicting messages from reliable sources.
Yesterday, there was almost a drunken post right here in this spot at the time I thought I was hilarious.
...but then I sobered up
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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