This was going to be a post about a co-worker quitting the company. Sometimes they will call me so I can hear it from them.
I don’t know why I get these calls.
“Well, thanks for calling” but my life goes on.
I was asked by this same person four months ago whether I thought a different person would quit. I said “Yes, and soon” that person quit in December. When you have seen a few people quit whether it be jobs or causes, you can usually tell who the quitters are or will be, it’s something in the eyes or the tone of the voice when they talk about certain things.
I’m not impressed with huge flames, it’s the embers where the true energy is, it’s the embers that forge steel.
But, instead of that I have a story.
It was my job to pick up Little g at the after school program, I picked her up and she asked if I could drive her to the hair care place. I said “Sure, where is it?” She said she didn’t know but take the next left.
I’m not super familiar with hair care places in her neighborhood, I only really know of one. Turns out that the one I know is the one she wants. Parking was a little bit tough, I was told by my passenger that my truck is too big.
The walk to the door wasn’t all that long, the street is a major artery, bus route and all, by the door is a bus shelter. The bus shelter is inhabited with an older lady, dressed poorly and she shouts a few things at me and holds her hand out. I assume she has a case of the crazies and walk on.
In the hair care place Little g is looking for hair ties. I think, that’s one of the items that the soldiers posting on ask for, black hair ties.
Little g picks up a couple things and she has me buy gloves for my niece just because the gloves were cute and we leave. I made a U-turn and at the signalized intersection is the crazy lady asking for money from the drivers. I asked Little g “Should, I give her money?” She said “Yeah, a dollar”
Six blocks from her house is a rather large and famous homeless shelter. There is usually a crowd of homeless around, we drive by and there is some yelling and Little g asks me to roll up my window. I tell her we’re alright but she asked again. I roll it up.
One city block later there is a homeless man asking for money. I ask Little g should I give him money, she said “No”. We drove past the guy and I asked her why the crazy lady got a dollar and the homeless man got nothing. She informs me that the homeless usually just buy cigarettes with the money they get. I think to myself “Yeah, I’ve heard that too”. I tell her some people are addicted to cigarettes and sometimes can’t help themselves.
There was some more debate and when we were near her house the conversation ended into silence. The silence was broken when she said now she feels guilty and we should go back and give the homeless man something.
I tell her “Don’t worry that guy will most likely be alright. I was just asking”.
I wouldn’t have given either of them money today, I’m not really certain why but I did buy a couple packs of black hair ties.
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5 weeks ago
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