So, I work the second job on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays under normal circumstances. This past Sunday I knew I would have to be there tonight, an off night. A marketing piece had to be put together, that should have been all I needed to do, just put the print the thing out and put it together.
The days starts with that I need to go to the second job, snow is on the way, a snow emergency with parking bans may go into effect, I will most likely have to drive my sister to pick up her jeep at the garage.
Early in the day Lady G calls me and says thanks, she says she was happy with the gift. Or more accurately the gift packaging which was the real gift, it’s like giving a hand written letter, it just means a bit more. The day before she actually handed half of the cash back, she didn’t need it, I took it back, she kept one bill in the box and one in the envelope, the book thing she kept intact. I guess that was more than half given back.
She asks about my plans. “Things are up in the air” I said. “Like what?” she asked. “Well, I might have to drive my sister to get her Jeep. It might be ready today” I answered. “Oh, because I wanted to take you to the movies because you have been spending too much time at *the second job*” I was quiet about going in there later in the day. “I’ll call you later” she said as she hung up the phone.
I get a call, someone is asking about the marketing piece, “It was emailed after I got home. I was planning on doing it tonight” is what I told the person asking the question.
I get another call, it’s my sister “I can pick the Jeep up any time before 8PM.” That will have to be first on the list because a parking ban was called for after 8PM.
I get another call on the way to the garage to get the Jeep, “Hi, are you busy?” I was asked.
“Yeah, but go ahead”
“I need an ad”
She tells me the size and where I can
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago