I had my usual seat and I was determined to have it for awhile, he ended up standing next to me.
"Hey, I remember you." he said.
I turned to look. "You're the school teacher" I wanted to say you're the dope that chews tobacco inside a crowded bar but I went the high road instead.
There was other talk and then a jab at what I usually end up drinking after I stop drinking beer. I tried to buy him a beer but the barkeep wouldn't let me, she just gave me a look as she took the money from the other guy.
I wanted to tell the barkeep that this guy's glory days are behind him, that this guy has no future, that this guy will never be loved until he learns to love, that this guy will die alone, that me buying this guy a beer is pretty much all he has going for him. I wanted to tell her all of this but her look told me she already knew. She wanted to tell me to stop wasting my time and money on this guy, that this guy is not liked and not welcome and shouldn't be humored. She wanted to tell me all that and she did so with her look.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
5 weeks ago
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