I've just lost all motivation to do the things I should be doing.
None of it is important, it's just stuff that needs to be done like ...whenever.
Whenever ain't right now, for me anyway.
It would be best if I just went to lunch, but here's the deal, someone needs to cover the permit desk, I'm the only one that can do it at the moment, it really is the responsibility of the most senior engineer to make certain the permit desk gets covered.
I found out today that people are letting screw-ups happen at the permit desk to make the most senior engineer look bad. People want to stick it to the most senior engineer and instead of looking him in the eye and doing it they are sneaking around behind his back. ...Not cool.
It turns out my warped sense of honor has been throwing a monkey wrench into the works. I keep stepping up to make sure stuff gets done when other folks keep trying to get things to screw up.
So I haven't been able to isolate the most senior engineer to let him know what I know so I will still cover to make sure things get done.
I dislike it when people aren't up front with things.
I went to lunch. The most senior engineer actually has more stroke than anyone else and he said I could go to lunch, so I went.
Lunch was good I went with my supervisor, I told him I was put in for another job. He thinks it will screw my current department but it will be good for me. When I first told him he said "I'll help you move" not because he wanted to get rid of me but because I'm not be helped out where I am. No hard feelings
I've spoken with the new department and they said if I get a counter offer than good for me, no hard feelings.
Things should be sweet. I hope I just let things be and don't screw them up.
In other news I still have to do my taxes.
The custom magnets need to be reworked, I wasn't crazy about them anyway. I was told it wasn't my best work and I agreed.
Sometimes I'll just spit stuff out so I can better think about it.
I found that if I don't do anything and just wait for ideas to come, I sometimes will run out of time but if I do something, even something I don't particularly like, I will analysis it and come up with better ideas.
Which isn't dissimilar than to what I do here. If I'm having trouble working stuff out I'll type what is going on in my head whether I agree with it wholly or not, because for some reason once some of it is out of my head I can get a better look at it.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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