Wednesday, April 14, 2004

I need to pay attention more...

Last night things were going well. I got all the real estate done fairly early and was making good time on the magnets.

I had fixed some minor flaws, tweaked things here and then and then printed to stock, laminated them and affixed them to the magnet backing. Things were great. So I’m hand cutting them into squares or rather about to, and then I remembered something. The event that magnets are for is on Friday, the sixteenth of April. I put the date of April 15, 2004 on the magnets and forgot to make that change before I printed them.

So sixty uncut custom magnets went into the trash. The requested quantity was fifty, I like doing extras. Fortunately, I had extra stock, plenty of magnet backing, plenty of laminate, what I didn’t have plenty of was the silver paper I was printing on. I had only four sheets left, four out of the eleven I had purchased. Four sheets would only be enough for forty eight magnets, two short and no extras.

So last night my trash was filled with a lesson learned…hopefully. Although, not too long ago I ended up with 250 invitations with the year 2003 instead of 2004, maybe someday I will learn. Someday. Maybe.

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