Saturday, April 03, 2004

I got the goods...

A fellow worker comes into my domain and asks for a sticky back, which I take to mean a Post-it Note. I offer him two sizes. He tells me that I'm important to the department and that he comes to me when he needs something because he knows I'll have it. He's sort of joking or at least I think he is.

"If I'm so important, show me in the paycheck"
"Some things are more valuable than a paycheck"
"Yes, some things are worth more than dollars and cents" I agreed
"Just to let you know, I appreciate you"
"Hey, thanks for letting me know, now I feel better"
"Sometimes, there is not enough good things said about people"
"Yes, there are too many kicks in the ass and not enough pats on the backs"
my cube neighbor acknowledged this little pearl of wisdom with a Hmmph, so I let him know he could use that if he wished.

I added the s onto back because I was trying to rhyme with ass. Hey, I was just being a smart ass. It was off the cuff what do you expect.

Anyway, alliteration is my inclination.

I have no time to figure rhyme.

I give a hoot I don't pollute.

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