I thought it would bother me but I'm almost glad.
Over the years I've gotten to know them. We, in some ways, counted on each other. There would be stretches where I would show up during the slow times and they would pick up my drinks at the busy times.
When I first started going there, I got to know Jen and then Lauren and then Melissa and then Danielle and then Emily. There were a couple other bartenders that didn't stick around, I never got attached to them.
Melissa was the first to leave, she got a job as a manager at a Mexican restaurant and bar. She stayed there a few months and then left. I don't know where she is now. She left maybe three years ago.
Emily still works there, although she got a nine to five about a year ago. I don't see much of her but occasionally I'll drop by on a Sunday to say hello.
Lauren left the beginning of September. She eventually went to the same Mexican restaurant and bar as Melissa. She says she likes it. I don't believe her.
Danielle left last Saturday, sooner than she had planned. She might be working at two different places. I know she'll be definitely at one. She'll be better off. The yuppie crowd will tip her well.
Jen is still there for now. Jen stays away from the drama that sometimes embroils the bar. But Jen has plans. She going to nursing school.
I've been careful not to get attached to the new bartenders, they don't see too much of me but when they do, they treat me well. I could invest my time in building a relationship with the new crew, it would be rather easy but I'm not certain that is something I want.
Most regular regular is a title I don't mind abdicating.
No Mames
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5 weeks ago
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