I occasionally catch myself trying to please, or more likely in my case not to displease, the audience or more likely the potential audience but then I realize I have no idea why people come by my site so I'm forced to write for me
But still there is an urge to write for 'them', it's sometimes hard to write like no one is reading when you know someone is. There is a feeling that I need to justify the time that they take to read this crap.
"You be you" is what I tell myself - a quote from Jack Lalanne
fighting verse - "it's my blog and i'm still pulling punches"
I remind myself of what I heard when I was in attendance at a boxing match and a fighter was cut, the woman fight doctor was looking at the injured boxer for what seemed like a long time and someone in the crowd yelled "This ain't no choir practice, Honey!"
From my seat it was a bad cut so if the doctor had stopped the fight I wouldn't have questioned it but I did come away with a phase that I sometimes use to make a point from that guy's ignorant and rude remark.
In a fight there is sometimes some blood, it's the nature of the sport, make your judgments accordingly
This ain't no choir practice, Honey!
I'm here talking to myself, spouting off about what I think, restating self-made opinions, seeing if stuff holds the proverbial water.
If you get hit while I'm shadow boxing, I'm sorry - I didn't mean to hit you but chances are you walked into it.
This is my ring - the rules are simple: watch if you want but protect yourself at all times, try to keep the punches up and no punching when a fighter is down.
that's my theory, anyway
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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