Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I play both parts

I know this father who, with his wife, adopted two young girls. The youngest girl has some difficulties, hyperactivity is one of them. One day, when she was about five years old, the father is serving breakfast, things were not going smoothly and the youngest tossed her bowl of Cheerios and it got over everything in an eight foot radius. The father flipped and started yelling. He yelled for a bit. He kept asking "Why did you do that?" I almost told him he needed to chill out a bit but at that moment I didn't think it would really help, but after he settled down his youngest daughter said "Boy, I'll never do that again" and I got the impression that her concern was more that she didn't want her father flipping out anymore and not because she caught the blunt of it but because she didn't think it was good for him.

Sometimes, I'm like that with myself

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