Monday, May 09, 2005

there is no 'd' in pigeon

i always want to put a 'd' in the word pigeon

that marketing piece was finished yesterday, it was also finished the day before. i think it might be finished tomorrow as well.

another finished piece that's a work in progress.

the first version went to the owner with a note of all the things i didn't like about it. you would figure i would change it to my liking but as is sometimes the way, i know my dislikes better than my likes.

i know the owner saw it but I didn’t get the feedback i was looking for, i redid it anyway. i like the redo but the whole feel of the piece maybe a tad too casual for a million dollar property. this morning i realized i can change the feel simply by changing the shape of the custom cut page, it would not increase the amount of custom paper i need to put it together too much, either.

i say 'eee'ther and opposed to 'eye'ther if you were wondering, well sometimes i say 'eye'ther if i'm making fun of folks.

I like this page the best

i like this page the best. it's printed on vellum and it folds out. people like things that fold out. it makes it seem like a surprise

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