Tuesday, May 24, 2005

so, i was asked for a favor - cover the desk at 11:30AM

11:30AM comes - i go to the desk

"Now it's not until noon" i was informed

"I'm going to run for a coffee then. Do you want anything?"

the answer - no

it's raining, it's be raining for days and will rain for more days.

I stand by the door and think about making a run for it. "You did say run for a coffee" I think.

I run

When I run back there is this dude looking lost. He says something to me in Spanish.

He wants the train, from the lobby door of where I work one can see the subway station, I move to where there is a direct line of vision and point, but he doesn't quite understand. The station has both the blue line and the green line so i say verde because i'm the catfish verde. (only on the ride in the elevator up do I remember blue is azul)

I'm just glad he didn't ask me where the library was because that's four blocks down the street.

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