I send a bit of a mixed message. At times, I'll say "I ain't nothing much" but at other times I'll act as if I'm invincible.
Today I was stuck at a desk, normally I am stuck at a deck but I can come and go as I please. Today I was stuck at a desk and I couldn't come and go as I please because I was covering for someone else. My day to cover for someone else was supposed to be the next day but sometimes life likes to mess around with your shit.
I hung tough. I did what was needed and then I did what was added on.
"Do you mind?" I was asked.
"Hell! Yeah, I do mind but I'll do it anyway." It was all a bit of marketing.
I was already screwed, I might as well get something out of it. I made it look like I was a martyr.
I was waiting at the bar trying to slow go it but then a bit of a challenge was presented, one of the bartenders came out to my side of the bar.
The timing sucked because Kai had just walked in so it was Dave, Kia, and myself. We were referred to as the big three. I don't know of a different set that will drink more of the hard liquor than us. Usually, there are just two of us at a time but today there were the three but alas the timing was off…
feel free to write the rest yourself
it's not that I think I'm indestructible.
"it's easy to be brave when you're indestructible." I learnt that from Captain Scarlet.
fuck, learnt is a word.
I think I’m impervious. I think I'm survivable. I think I can over come. Trouble is, my arrogance is a powerful source.
Mostly what I mean by that is: I can drink a lot.
I slightly amazed that I used that colon properly, or at least I think I did.
Tequila and Vodka and beer. Oh, my.
I've never seen a Shirley Temple movie.
So, I was going to link a link to Captain Scarlet so I opened up google and in the box I typed google, I meant to type Captain Scarlet.
Meant is a word but it ain't as funny as learnt.
so, for shits and giggles I googled google, I thought maybe the universe would collapse or something but I just get a bunch of google stuff.
I actually didn't think that, the best I thought would be some eternal loop but I knew that wouldn't happen either.
I wonder what this post will look like tomorrow.
So, it was the twins birthday yesterday. So, it was me, Lady G's mom, Lady G, her stepdad, Little g and the twins.
"Tim, drinks." she said to her mom
"Tim. You drink?"
'Hell, yeah. I drink' is what crossed my mind but what I said was a sheepish "Yes".
Her dad and her dead ex husband was an abusive drunk.
I've read a few book on writing mainly to try to figure out why I write, most of them say to just write, write everything, write always. I would add write with a few in you. Booze tends to quiet the inner critic.
Sometimes, I know what I'm doing, like up there when I typed 'she said to her mom.' That's a more personal statement than 'Lady G said to her mother', which is a more precise statement but it's colder than I wanted. I wanted a more familiar feel, like 'who the heck else would I be talking about?' like you've known me awhile.
"Don't treat your reader like an idiot" is a paraphrased statement from one of those books. When I go long, I tend to over explain. I apologize.
Most of my readers are smarter than me, except for those searching for a video clip of some damn joke on altavista
Part of tonight is brought to you by Stoli's new blueberry Vodka.
"I don't like the blueberry" she said to me.
"The blueberry tastes like straight vodka" Danielle added. I smiled at her and then turned to my left.
I turned to Lauren's friend and said "I don't like it either but when I said I didn't like it she gave me shit. I said it didn't taste too much like blueberry."
Add booze critic to the list
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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