Saturday, July 15, 2006

The best time to get anything done in the office is after it closes for the day.

I was leaving at nine at night which is a little earlier than I usually do. Usually she leaves earlier than me. Usually, she seems to hang around the office late, when I would rather she leave.

"I'm glad you were here. I don't like being here alone."


We were watching History's Detectives and there was a map which some great great grandson or other wanted to know if his great great grandfather or other carried it into a battle.

One of the experts they took it to said that he didn't think that it was a battle field map because it had too much detail to it. I said I could draw that map in less than one day if that was all I was doing and the battle lasted for at least twenty days.

"Oh? And are you a map maker?" I was asked.

"As a matter of fact, I am."

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