Twelve hours on Saturday, eight on Sunday - that's half a normal work week. Your really should start tearing up a little bit for all my woe.
Yesterday was a custom map for some big shots. It's a really nice map after the revisions that I have in my head are made.
It has a strange feel to it, not unpleasant but different. I don't know if you have every felt that waterproof/tearproof paper but it was sort of like that.
Note to self: buy some of that waterproof/tearproof paper.
It's ideas like that that make me seem like a genius and you really should thank me for letting you go along for the ride.
I've been printing everything out to fit on a 4x6 inch piece of photo paper because I have so much of that paper that I don't need (it comes free with the ink) and because it's cool. I highly recommend that you print out all your stuff to that size. You'll be cool like me if you do.
I was asked to modify that pet related icon. I was asked to replace the paw print with an actual photo of a dog. I think this is a mistake. I don't think people want cutesy from their real estate professionals, they want business chic.
I seem a little weird today. My sardonic nature is manifesting itself more than usual. Usually, I keep the levels down in my writing.
I think I'm going to use 'business chic' in a conversation. "Listen, we've got to go with business chic. Nobody's doing it. We'll be the first. People will copy us."
Modish too.
"This ad has a modishness to it that you don't see anywhere else."
So, on some opening page it asked "Are the Shins the best band ever?" to which I raised an eyebrow because on an impulse I had picked up their latest CD just one day prior and I really wasn't impressed with it. But I'm an open minded type of fellow in a hard set kind of way so I listened to the CD again and the answer to that question is no.
"He's the type of guy that gives hotheads their hot heads."
"Hey, do you know that a wheel has fallen off of that chair?"
"A wheel has fallen off." I said as a pointed to where it was missing. He leaned over to look at the missing wheel which caused him to tip over which was the exact reason why I pointed. He never thinks about that step ahead.
I'll be sitting at my desk wishing not to be there and then I'll hear the Siren call of those potential days off.
"Come on just two days. You won't be missed. What are you saving them for? You're not going to go anywhere. Take the days. It will do you good. You need some time away. You deserve some time away. It will do you good."
Having a goodly amount of vacation time on top of a few personal days while having no life is sometimes tough.
The burst of design ideas all started with a $120 printer. It makes me wish I had some real talent.
"Smooth cut, Junior." Who critiques a movie they are watching in their own living room like that?
I also say "Who's the sound editor?" and "What, no one was doing continuity that day?"
Also, "I don't believe it. No one would say that; ever. Who wrote this?"
Mostly while watching Scooby Doo.
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
dinner guest?
2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
3 weeks ago
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