Monday, February 02, 2009

The Cardinal is still the most ferocious of all the songbirds

I like Springsteen but I was disappointed with half time but the three reviews that I have read were all favorable.

The Cardinals could have won; they had their chances. The Cardinal is still the most ferocious of all the songbirds.

I think I might shut the comments off and if you have anything to say, you can say it in an email.

I think I might stop drinking not that I think I’m having a problem with the booze and I will probably still drink socially or have a beer with homemade pizza or something but I think I might stop hanging out in the bar. I no longer see the point in it; I haven’t for awhile. If I weren’t friendly with a couple folks down there I would have stopped months ago.

I’m starting to want to be better; let’s hope it lasts.

Lady G did that “25 things” thing on her facebook page and one of her things was that I’m her best friend. I commented that I thought I could sometimes be a better best friend.

sink or swim

I say that to myself a lot. I say it here from time to time. The thing of it is that even when I chose to sink, I somehow always remain afloat, so I end up floating about while others are sinking or swimming and then I have to struggle with guilt.

So, it really works out to be stand and watch while doing nothing or effect a change.

It’s just easier to say “sink or swim.”

For excitement, over the weekend, I seasoned my fajita cast iron pans.

I used my new Panini pan three times over the weekend and twice I was disappointed. The one time I wasn’t disappointed was when I used it for grilling chicken breast. I’ll have to do some thinking for sandwich ingredients before I try grilling a sandwich again; I thought I wouldn’t have to think about it much but I guess I thought wrong. Maybe I don’t like Panini’s.

I fantasize about xTx, mostly about her cleavage. I’ll read her posts and want to slip my favorite dinner recipes right in between.

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