Wednesday, June 16, 2004

I took today off from the day job and I'll be damned if I go into the second job. I was at the second till 1:30am last night / this morning.

I took the day because little g had a graduation ceremony, fifth grade style. Part of the production included a Chinese Silk Ball dance. Lady G was sitting by my side and said she has seen too many silk ball dances. Two minutes into the dance I believe I have seen too many silk ball dances and get busted laughing.
"What are you laughing at?"
"I just love the silk ball dancing"
"Are you going to be okay?"
"Just give me a moment" I said as I wiped at a tear that wasn't.

"That's little g's teacher over there" she said pointing two seats and an aisle over.
"She's kinda cute" was my honest opinion, cute and leggy.
"Are you trying to get someone beat up? ...She's a bitch. ...You can have her if you want her"
"That's good to know"

I had an attractive fourth grade teacher, Miss Newton. I tried to seduce her by being the best at four grading. It didn't work.

...It didn't work in the nine grade with Ms. Grey either.

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