Before I headed out to work at such a time that would undoubtedly make me late I took time to find the cap I wanted to wear, rain was the expectation for today. I was late, I might as well get the hat I wanted.
The regular trainmates were on the trains ahead of me so today there were these new train users.
The pair that caught my attention consisted of a very attractive lady and a less attractive guy both were African Americans. The two where separated by a seat occupied by someone neither of them knew. He was doing most of the talking. She couldn't have looked more disinterested in the exchanged but every once in awhile she would offer a reply. The conversation - mostly politics. He had opinions on a lot of things, but mainly on why minorities aren't in office. She asked him if he votes. His reply - never in my life.
My city is a majority minority. A very good voter turnout is something like 22 percent. I think the last go round 12 percent of those eligible to vote showed up.
I was going to pipe up but he was all over the board. I don't think he was in the frame of mind to listen. He ended up saying that the star shaped badges that are worn by the sheriffs are a sign of the devil.
But dude, you gotta vote.
I have this hook on my pencil cup for holding rubber bands. By hook I mean a bent and twisted paper clip, jumbo size. Today the hook was empty so I go to the drawer with my rubber bands and lift the resealable bag from it resting place. I lift the bag but to my dismay the rubber bands pretty much keep the same elevation as before. The bag is opened and the rubber bands have distributed themselves over the contents of the drawer.
I look at the bag to figure out what went wrong. I usually grab the bag at the top just in case it isn't sealed properly. The bag is sealed properly at the top anyway. Someone has opened the bottom. Someone other than me. These are my rubber bands bought and paid for, requesting rubber bands from the supply clerk is too much of a hassle for me to deal with so I buy my own, and get what I want.
Why do you need rubber bands? We don't ever order that size. Why do you need them again? Get that form and fill it out and have your supervisor sign it and bring it back.
Normally some snide remarks would be offered to this situation of mine but today I just smiled and taped the bag's bottom and rebagged the rubberbands. I'll wait for the bigger fish to fry.
The printer I usually use is busted. The replacement printer I'm using is by the office of the big boss. So, to get my print jobs I have to pass by the secretary's desk, today the ladies are talking about babies and vasectomies. They see me and say "Tim, come here miss Y needs another baby" so I roll my eyes and say "Alright, come on into the big boss's office".
I was only half joking.
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