“So, what do you do?”
He looked down and away because he doesn’t like taking about it but he couldn’t think of a reason not to answer the question.
“Part-time superhero” he said
“Oh, do you like what you do?”
He was still looking down, so he glanced upward, to get a glimpse of her eyes. Well, actually just one eye, usually that’s all it takes. It was an honest question with a touch of concern which is information you can only get from the eyes, the left or the right, usually either one of them will do. He chose the right, glanced back down and thought for a moment.
“Yeah, I guess I do... but sometimes I don’t like doing it.”
No Mames
1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a
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2. Would you like to be famous? In what way?
3. Before m...
5 weeks ago
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