Tuesday, June 07, 2005

i've heard that the average American reads zero books per year

i guess i'm not average


i called the house, she wasn't home

i waited a couple and then called her cell phone

someone picked up but it seemed like not of purpose, it turns out she didn't know i was on the line

i thought maybe she was busy and just could talk at that precise moment so i waited. i could hear a conversation but i couldn't make out what was being said, it seemed like she was at work. i listened for about a minute and a half and then hung up.

while i was waiting on the line i got a call on my two way, someone wanted to know if i would join them for a coffee. i left my desk and worried i would miss a returned phone call. i also worried that there wouldn't be a returned phone call.

outside my cell phone rang. it was her

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